Press Releases

Press Releases

Official Press Release for various issues and agendas.

International Olympic Day

Press Release on reintroducing famous lost heritage

Press Release Condemning Chamling Statement on Health Sector Revolutionization

Press Release on State Day Celebration in Capital

Press Release on Labour Day

GREETINGS from the Leader

Remembering and wishing everyone on every special occasions in Sikkim by the Hon'ble Party President Shriman Prem Singh Tamang signifying the importance of the celebration bringing Unity, Peace and Harmony.

Leader with GOLDEN HEART

Helping everyone without any discrimination. The service defines a person and his unmatchable charitable attitude and his willingness to serve all has never seized to amaze us.

Chief Minister of Sikkim

Shri Prem Singh Tamang

With proper Guidance and sincere efforts, Shri Prem Singh Tamang has united and led us to the right path of victory. It is his leadership Skill that helped us to overthrow the old regime and establish people’s Government in Sikkim.


With the dethroning of 25 years of misrule by the monarchial party, it’s the time for Change. It is the time of people. Justice is to be served to the poor and the deprived people of Sikkim. This is the beginning of a new era for Sikkim. 


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