Tourism Vision

Flourishing Tourism, Reaping Benefit

  1. Tourism sector plays an important role in generating economic activities and promotion region. There shall have a comprehensive tourism policy for developing, promoting and up calling sustainable tourism in the state.
  2. A new eco-tourism policy shall be framed to streamline the tourism sector.
  3. Tourism Development Board shall be established for promoting and regulating sustainable tourism.
  4. Tourism hall be aligned with the cultures of all ethics tribes of sikkim
  5. Tourism infrastructures shall be developed to meet the requirements of tourist.
  6. A separated Directorate shall be created for conducting studies on capacity building, product development, marketing and promotion, standard, certification, guidelines, data management, research, destination, infrastructure developments, etc.
  7. A single window online information system shall be established to provide services to tourist.
  8. Institute Of Tourism And Travel Management shall be established at district level.
  9. Mountaineering training institute shall be developed and strengthened .Base camps shall be established in high altitudes for mountaineers.
  10. All the existing viable tourism programs and infrastructures shall be strengthened and developed.
  11. There shall have good Himal janey bato
  12. There shall have Government owned online hotel booking web platform.
  13. Subletting of hotel license shall be strictly banned.
  14. All government hotels shall be under Sikkim tourism.
  15. Our government shall established tourist information centres in main cities across India.
  16. Green certification of hotels, restaurants and fast food corners hall be done for promoting quality tourism. License of those who do not meet the green standards shall be cancelled.
  17. Local educated youths shall be engaged as Liasoning officers mandatorily with the foreign tourist.
  18. State Tourism Day shall be celebrated in the name of Lt. Sonam Gyatsho (the first person from sikkim t o climb Mt. Everest) on 22nd April to popularise the tourism sector/
  19. More emphasis shall be given to develop and promote natural tourism, community based tourism and nature tourism.
  20. There shall have tourist co-ordination Committee at each GPU level.
  21. New tracking trails and tourist destination places shall be explored and developed for both national and international tourist.
  22. All the existing Tourist Spots shall be renovated and upgraded with modern facilities.
  23. There shall have more eco-villages. Natural parks, herbal gardens, bamboo parks, food parks, and other recreation centres.
  24. There shall have revitalization of traditional health care system of promotion of medical tourism.
  25. Digital Detox Centre shall be4 established to promote tourism.
  26. Mud bath Tourism shall be established in the villages.
  27. Home stay Tourism shall be strengthened to boost the rural economy.
  28. Tourist Information Centre shall be Open at each Block Development Office.
  29. Avi-tourism shall be promoted for bird watchers.
  30. Adventure tourism like Bunjee Jumping, White Water Rafting, Paragliding, etc. shall be strengthened and promoted with all modern facilities.
  31. Cultural Village Tourism and Religious Tourism shall be promoted.
  32. Rope ways shall be constructed for transportation and tourism purposes .
  33. Monorail shall be established to connect all 4 Districts for transportation and tourism purpose.
  34. There shall have more international tourist destination centres.
  35. Trans boundary Tourism shall be developed.
  36. 100-200 Roomed five stars hotel shall be constructed in all 6Districts to meet the growing demand of National and International tourist.
  37. There shall have off season events to attract tourist round the year.
  38. Periodical reviews and assessment shall be done to get information on capacity building, product development, marketing and promotion, standards, certification, guidelines, data management, research, destination, infrastructure development, etc.
  39. There shall have incentives to the stakeholders for promoting and developing tourism in Sikkim.
  40. There shall have State Awards to the stakeholders of Sikkim for promoting the developing tourism in the state.
  41. There shall have tourism start up program to organisations an individual of Sikkim for tourism product development in the state.
  42. Institute of Hospitality shall be established for tourism purpose.
  43. There shall have skilled development and capacity building programs to all the stakeholder of tourism.


All our policies and programs of action shall be based on the key principles that Sikkimese shall govern to make their state as they want to see and secure generations .We the SKM party, have envisaged the many salient policies , plans and programs for making New Sikkim.