Fostering Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Exploring frontiers
- It is a known fact that modern economies are driven by knowledge and information, knowledge is created by basic and applied research, which then creates information .The success in research and development (R&SD) activities bring enormous benefit to societies. Therefore, all the leaders including the political leaders of world have recognised the importance of science, technology and innovation for knowledge driven economy. Investment in R&D Sector help develop new products and services there by drive economic growth, create jobs and improve human welfare/It is the Government top priority to create the policies that directly stimulate R&D activities in both private and public sector and get benefits of innovation. Though R&D is not in the state list, but developing and promoting science. Technology and innovation shall remain on top priority to make it the most productive and best sector of Sikkim state.
- R&D is very much importance in Sikkim .It encompasses basic research, applied research, development of technology and stimulation innovation. For sustain growth , the government need to promote research and innovation because innovation ahs induced dramatic changes in management and organisation of business , Connected between new ideas and methods and the organisational structures, sustain long run economic growth in many ways and regulated n policies in all sectors. Sikkim science, technology and innovation policy shall be formulated to promote and develop R&D sector in Sikkim.
- To develop R&D that puts the new knowledge in to designing new products and services, government intervention is the only mechanism to promote and support scientific and technical research .State-of-the-art research institutions and R&D centres shall be established to do research focusing on the basic foundation and applied sciences and humanities that will drive innovation and help it create cutting edge technology in sikkim
- Developing society by transforming science and technology offers social transformation s secondly, Transforming science and technology empowers individual enhance rich and strength, and fills up confident capacity to have independent choice. It is good to have prettier cars, television, computer sets, mobile, internet and other gadgets, which are all public face. But the true transformation of science and technology lies deeper .In other parts of the world, think how technology has brought sweeping changes in the life at home, at work, in entertainment, commerce, government, international relations, personal relation, etc. The future technology will not simply as the present drastic social change lies ahead. Building, fostering partnerships, and collaborations among scientist, Researchers, academia business, government and Global agencies shall be done to create unceasingly more knowledge ,information, avenues, choices, opportunities, employment, free flow of international commerce and ideas.
- Separate scientific and academic advisory body shall be constituted to the government of Sikkim
- Department of information and technology shall be brought under the Department of Science and Technology (S&T) and remote sensing division and technology transfer division of DST shall be brought under Forest department and Rural management Department, respectively. The name of DST shall be renamed as department of Science, Technology and innovation (DSTI)/
- A separate Directorate shall be created for research and development to manage, facilitate, co-ordinate and monitor research.
- Fund for research program related to the issues and problems of Sikkim shall be provided to researchers.
- Sikkim state council of science and technology shall be strengthened and develop to make it more protective and productive.
- Regulation shall be framed for conducting research activities in Sikkim state.
- Emerging technologies drive economic development. Technologies for development in sectors like Social, Tourism, health, education, etc. shall be promoted and strengthened.
- Innovation culture shall be established for next generation development.
- Production of 15,000-20,000 Grade women’s capital shall be achieved by 2040. These Human capital include great medical scientist /Doctor, engineers, professionals, business leaders, political leaders, scientists, educationist, academicians, Philosophers, etc.
- Political and strategies on development of indigenous human capital shall be framed to radically alter the economy of Sikkim.
- Sikkim shall be targeted to make it the financial service Hub in India.
- Patent and intellectual property right Acts shall be strengthened. A target of 100 patents /Years shall be achieved by 2030.
- Bright young students shall be identified and nurtured for future leadership position.
- Knowledge based industries including biomedical science shall be promoted and developed.
- Pharma and Hydropower industries shall be filled up by better human capital of Sikkim.
- Policies on Bringing Quality in mathematics, physics, chemistry and bioscience education shall be framed.
- To use policy solution to transform economy from resource –based to knowledge based through consistently increasing gross expenditure on R&D shall be promoted and strengthened.
- Mid to high-tech manufacturing institutes by creating partnerships between business and universities and encourages industrial-relevant research in advanced technology areas shall be promoted.
- Investment in engineering and physical sciences research shall be promoted and strengthened.
- Innovation Investment Fund (IIF) shall be based launched to support technology based business in clean tech and life sciences.
- Business environment for innovative activities shall be created to start a business within short period of time through developing online system.
- One-time fee shall be charged to Research Institutions from other states to do research projects in Sikkim.
- Our Government shall make mandatory to outside agencies to partner with the local NGOs ad CBOs.
- Software Technology Park shall be developed in Sikkim.
- Our Government shall set up Incubators and Accelerators on Biotechnology, Robotics, Drones, Electronic gadgets, software, etc.
- Recruitment of highly skilled human resources in science, technology, innovations and other allied applied subjects shall be part of the government‘s initiatives to strengthen innovation.
- Scientific research defers from other services because of its application of scientific methods and tools. Scientific personnel cannot be treated at par with civil and other technical administrative services of the state. Accepting these facts, rules for regulating and streamlining the method of recruitment and promotion of scientists cadres at par with R&D institutions of India shall be made to encourage and provide service security to Sikkimese scientists, Academicians and researchers.
- There shall have a strong legislation on guiding policies to provide employment security to sikkimese candidatt4es in central Government funded academic and research institutions established in Sikkim.
- With scientific interventions rich bio resources of Sikkim shall be converted into ‘green gold’ and utilize them in a sustainable manner.lab –field-kitchen R&D guided projects shall be implemented for the utilization of Sikkim bio resources.
- Sikkim State Science Congress program shall be held both at state and gram Panchayat levels.
- International seminar and workshops shall be conducted periodically in Sikkim.
- Emphasis shall be given to research for development of the state.
- Formation of NGOs and INGOs shall be promoted for development of scientific culture in the state.
- New ways of research-based work culture shall be started in all the Government departments.
- Basic and discovery research shall be encouraged to connect our society to the world.
- Healthy eco-system shall be established in universities and research institutions to attract the talents, from abroad.
- Skill development shall be boosted in specific areas like Week data generation, Handling and management, management of genetic disorder and genetic counselling.
- Institutional mechanism shall be developed to help scientist to concert leads into technology and products.
- Highly skilled and talented human resources from different fields shall be given opportunities to serve the state with their noble ideas and works. They shall also be engaged to conduct time bound and result oriented R&D activities.
- E-Governance system shall be strengthen in sikkim .Computer system and high speed internet connection facilities shall be provided to all GPUs to have access for all facilities. Mobile apps shall be used to avail public services.
- M-governance system shall be made more effective to provide various services to the common people such as billing gateways ,voice gateways, sms, location based services ect.
- E-Marketing system shall be established for agricultural products, horticultural products, handloom and handicrafts to provide access to local people so that they can sell their products in the international markets.
- E-Library system shall be established in the important places to provide easy access of e-books, e-journals, magazines, newspapers etc. for the students, tourist, researches, teachers and common people.
- Informational technology (IT) Hub, information technology enabled service (ITes) and electronic system design and manufacturing (ESDM) shall be established and promoted.
- Digital Sikkim program shall be initiated to provide online data base on all central and state funded works, Projects, annual reports , beneficiaries, details, local flora and fauna, culture and tradition, ethics, food, customs, folklore and folk songs, traditional knowledge system, etc. to the users and at the same time it preserves cultural resources of sikkim.
- Data base of the citizen on health, economy, education, unemployment, household problems, etc. shall be generated for farming policies and programs.
- IT knowledge centres with video Conference facilities shall be established at the GPU level to provide the computer skills to common people.
- Market Information Centre shall be started in each block Development Office to provide information on horticultural.
- The human resource shall be valued and managed scientifically to maximise employees’ performance and their productivity.
- Annual data base shall be generated on local human resources to manage them.
- Career counselling centres shall be established.
- A new technology based recruitment process shall be framed to complete the task within short period of time .All information such as date of interview and the date of results shall be mentioned while advertising the recruitment to the vacant post.
- Policy shall be framed to bring back the local talents who are working outside Sikkim.
- Employment shall be established at each BLOCK Administrative Centre.