- Our Government shall up hold the conditions as laid down in the 8th may 1973 tripartite AGREEMENT.
- Article 371F shall not be allowed to be diluted at any condition .
- Old laws of Sikkim shall not be allowed to amend or repeal unless the citizens of sikkim wish to.
- Our Government shall formulate policies and laws to stop influx in Sikkim.
- Sikkim declaration on the rights of the indigenous citizens shall be formulated to secure and protect the land of the Sikkimese.
- Role of Indigenous citizen of Sikkim shall be recognized for conservation of our natural resources and heritage .
- The GAP Between p[policy and practice among the indigenous citizens of Sikkim shall be reduced .
- Land survey record of 1950 -1952 shall be recognized as it protected under the old laws of Sikkim.
- Indigenous citizens of Sikkim shall be consulted about the use of their land for development purposes.
- First priority shall be given to the indigenous citizen in all sectors (Government & Private) for employment.
- Our Government shall provide security to indigenous citizens in various scheme and facilities of the Government.
- Our Government shall provide first opportunities to indigenous citizen of sikkim in all types of work , business , and services.
- License shall be provided to indigenous citizens to use public spaces for trading .
- Funding shall be provided to indigenous citizens for carrying out small business.