Police Vision

Strengthening policing, Secured Communities

  1. Police is a state subject in the seventh Scheduled to the Constitution of India. However, all over India, the civilians do not trust police because they perceive that political authorities and the bigwigs have a stronghold over the police; they are partisan, politicized and generally not competent. In the context of Sikkim, citizens are naturally peace loving and law abiding people because of our strong cultural foundation and bonding among different ethnic groups and beliefs. The relation between policing and community are strongly connected and have mutual respects for each other .However, the community is as dynamic entity always faces some kinds of external forces ,intricacies ,complexities and diversities. These necessities are more sophisticated responses to the challenges in future. In order to meet expectations of the civilians and to make transformative change across the whole of policing to protect and secure community, our government shall have the police Board with membership from across policing for framing policy guidelines, requisite reforms and transformation in police administration in Sikkim.
  2. It is known fat that priorities change over time in response to the development of external challenged. The police shall make communities safer by upholding the law fairly and firmly, keeping peace, protecting civilians, investing and preventing crime and anti-social activities and bringing culprits to justice.
  3. There shall have Sikkim Security Commission to ensure that state government does not exercise unwarranted influence or pressure on the police and to evaluate the state police performance .There shall have regular survey for public opinions on police performance.
  4. There shall have separate investigation and law and order functions of the police.
  5. There shall have a Police Complaint Authority (PCA) to inquire into police complaints against the police officers and staff in cases of serious misconduct including custodial death, grievous hurt, etc.
  6. There shall have Code of Ethics to policing service to strengthen the procedures and regulations for ensuring standards of professional behaviour for both police officers and staff.
  7. Our Government shall make the policing service smart, independent and accountable.
  8. With the police no longer the sole guardians of law and order , the policing service shall be the public or community –centric and it shall protect and secure first the most weaker section and vulnerable groups of the society.
  9. The real test of policing is the absence of crime and disorder in the society. So, the fundamental priorities of the police service shall be to reduce crime and protect the vulnerable civilians.
  10. Respects for human rights shall be central to everything. The police service hall increase partnership within the community and with other service providers, protect the rights of victims and engage community –led policy .Police shall seek and preserve favour and they shall maintain a good relationship with the public.
  11. Law shall be equal to all sections of the society including the elected and the elites ones. Policing shall not discriminate any political organisation and the individuals associated therein. Law shall uphold the sanctimony of equality to all. The police shall et examples to win the public trust.
  12. There shall have professional practice and roles helping to create a fair and peaceful society and helping citizens to live confident, safe and fulfilling lives .Community members shall become active allies in the effort to enhance the safety and quality of civilian life.
  13. The police service faces both new and evolving crime changes, Serious and organised crime generates new threats like human trafficking, organizes=d crimes, cybercrimes and other threats to Sikkim .Policing shall protect citizens from the growing cyber crime.
  14. The increasing new technologies shall be used to improve how to protect the public life and properties.
  15. The police service shall be equipped with sophisticated techniques and procedures to deal with changing requirements and tackling crimes .Digital policing shall be established promoted and strengthened.
  16. The quality and standards of policing service shall also depend on quality of the people. Therefore it shall be the duty of community to protect the police from harms.
  17. The police professional workforce shall be equipped with the skills and capabilities necessary for policing in the 21st
  18. There shall have the effective leadership for management of the policing service .the police service shall create a culture that values difference and diversity of community and empowers individuals to maximize their contribution in the profession.
  19. All issues and problems, salary, promotions, employment, incentives, etc. shall be addressed on time to provide the right reward and recognition to police officers and staff.
  20. There shall have Action Plan for modernizing the State Police forces to achieve the highest standard in the country. The focus shall be to strengthen police infrastructure facilitating with cutting age technology in all police station, training centres, modern weaponry, communication equipment, mobility and forensic laboratory.
  21. Police residential housing shall be developed to all the police forces.
  22. All prisons shall be upgraded and strengthened with all quality facilities.
  23. The requisite modern infrastructure amenities for Women police Forces shall be developed and strengthened.
  24. Policing service shall be transparent and committed to professional excellence, learning and innovation.
  25. All the police officers, staff and volunteers shall be encouraged and motivated for their professionalism .They shall be encouraged to engage to other services like games, music athletics.
  26. The police shall tackle the child abuse, sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, cyber crime, human trafficking etc to provide justice to the victims.
  27. There shall have funding on the development of research on policing.
  28. The training facility shall be upgraded with sophisticated tools and technologies.
  29. There shall have Radio Programs on policing service.
  30. New plans, methods and technologies shall be used to tackle traffic problems of Gangtok towns.
  31. There shall have community policing that recognizes a share responsibility and connection between the police community in making Sikkim a safer, more livable state.
  32. There shall have single helpline number for instant police service.
  33. Vigilance department shall be made independent and accountable.
  34. Website of all departments and divisions of the police service shall meet the time-driven up gradation.


All our policies and programs of action shall be based on the key principles that Sikkimese shall govern to make their state as they want to see and secure generations .We the SKM party, have envisaged the many salient policies , plans and programs for making New Sikkim.