Forestry Vision

Developing Forest, Sustaining Livelihood

  1. Sikkim ha a total of 7096 sk2 geographical area. Nearly,82% area (5818 km 2) all under the forested area with more than 40%(2327km2) tree canopy/The total wildlife protected forest area is about 2182km2of the total geographical area. The remaining 5818km2 -2182km2+3636km2 forested areas fall under the reserved forests, Mountains and cliffs, alpine desert land, khasmal, Goucharan, etc. Sikkim is one of the biodiversity rich regions in the Indian Himalayan Region. Our Government shall formulate a Comprehensive Forest Development and Management Policy to make it a Vibrant Green Economy Sector in Sikkim.
  2. There shall have a Strong Advisory Body comprising the members of the Minister, Experiences Forest Mangers, and Experts from different disciplines, Field Staff, Entrepreneurs NGOs and Farmers for transforming forest sector into a sustainable livelihood options.
  3. There shall have Forest Industry and Technology Innovation Policy.
  4. There shall have Forest Research and Training Council.
  5. There shall have Green Economy Development Board.
  6. There shall have Non-Wood Forest Products development Board.
  7. There shall have Legislation on Bio-economy, Standardization and Regulation to diversify the use of forest resources and its products.
  8. Sikkim state Forest Research Institute and Capacity Building Training Centre shall be established.
  9. Development and management of forests shall be based on the core concept of preservation, protection, conservation and sustainable utilization.
  10. All the forest policies of Sikkim shall be assessed and reviewed to ensure that they provide adequate guidance.
  11. All the centrally sponsored schemes and Externally Funded Projects shall be strictly monitored for forests development and management.
  12. Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products are renewal and recyclable resources that can be used in a wide variety of applications. However, the development of forest industry is depicted as a destructive force, and not as an essential sector for achieving sustainable development. There should be proper guidelines and codes of conduct for the development of forest industry that endorses economic development must be based on renewal and recyclable forest resources, i.e., promotion of green economy for sustainable development, Small scale forest industries, which have been considered vital for overall economic development, shall be developed and strengthened in a sustainable manner.
  13. The value and use of forests shall be increased based on the ethos, ethics and cultural association of indigenous tribes of Sikkim.
  14. To provide natural forest regeneration quality and for maintaining ecological and evolutionary processes, the Reserved Forests, Khasmal and Goucharan shall be opened for grazing cattle and establishment of cow Goth, sheep Goth and yak Goth with proper guidelines and codes of conduct to avoid destruction of forest resources.
  15. By applying proper scientific methods, the forests shall be reinvigorated for employment generation and rural development.
  16. Agro forestry has significant potential to generate employment; this sector shall be promoted and strengthened.
  17. There shall have Hill Area Development and Management Programs for biological up-gradation of the hills as well as improving the livelihood of the indigenous communities.
  18. It ia a known fact that the indigenous communities living in forest surroundings are well connected with nature. Natural resources are their shared property and are valued as such. Embracing preservation and conservation based on the rights of indigenous communities works for forest, but not against it. The indigenous communities have been living on green economy for centuries. They conserve ad restore natural resources for sustaining their lives. The indigenous communities also help alleviate the impacts of the ongoing phenomenon of climate change. There shall have investment in indigenous communities to protect forests, bio-diversity loss and ecosystem forest services. There shall have the recognition o the claims of indigenous communities to their territories to save forests and curb biodiversity loss.
  19. There shall have rural development with forest development, management and bio-diversity conservation by empowering farmers and indigenous communities living in forest surroundings.
  20. There shall have community –based management of forests, forestation restoration programs.
  21. There shall have programs like tree plantation along the road sides; establishment of arboreta parks, avenue developments, fodder tree plantation fruits producing plantations (e.g., banana, figs, guava, mango, tamarind, etc.)
  22. Eco-tourism shall be promoted and strengthened.
  23. There shall b have State Standard for forest management and utilization of forest resources, products and goods.
  24. There shall be forest certification systems for forests and forest products to indigenous communities and locals.
  25. Licenses shall be provided to indigenous timer producers with proper guidelines and regulations.
  26. There shall have Mission Mapping Natural Resources for the state.
  27. All forestry programs shall promote forestry activities to add value to forest products and market development.
  28. There shall have Forestry Development Fund to all the panchayats for the plantation and the management of local forest in the village.
  29. There shall have support to indigenous communities to apply their traditional knowledge and management Strategy.
  30. Bio-economy by developing customer-oriented product, device and technology innovation shall be promoted and developed.
  31. Domesticating trees shall be promoted and strengthened.
  32. Farm Forestry shall be established both in government and private lands.
  33. There shall have partnerships with land owners to increase of farm tree plantation and to reduce on reserved forests.
  34. Investment in farm forestry shall be promoted.
  35. Farm based production enterprises shall be promoted and developed.
  36. Forest-based economic programs and enterprises shall be promoted and developed.
  37. Forestry extension and technical services shall be promoted and developed.
  38. Sustainable supply of timber and wood for subsistence and industrial need shall be promoted.
  39. Sustainable production and utilization of non-wood forest products shall be promoted.
  40. Supports of funds and capacity building shall be provided for the establishment and processing of non-wood forest products.
  41. Supports shall be provided to universities and colleges for research, technology development and innovation on forest resources and to ensure the research outcomes will be beneficial for the growth and development of states resources.
  42. Bio-diversity Act shall be strictly implemented for access and benefits sharing at all the community level.
  43. Promotion of commercialization of the medicinal plants shall be done for access and benefit sharing.
  44. Our government shall concert trash to cash.
  45. Carbon trading shall be done with national and international agencies.
  46. Our government shall introduce tax or payment for ecosystem services to research and conservation projects and biodiversity stewardship.
  47. Natural produce based small scale industry.
  48. MSME in forest sector shall be promoted and strengthened.
  49. There shall be Mission Small Scale –Forest Industry in Sikkim.
  50. Sericulture shall be strengthened for production of silk product. Small –scale silk industry shall be established and developed.
  51. Bamboo cultivation shall be strengthened and promoted. Small-Scale Bamboo industry shall be established and developed.
  52. Forest resource information database shall be improved and strengthened.
  53. CBOs/NGOs/VOs shall be involved for effective management and conservation of forest resources.
  54. There shall have Sikkim Wildlife Research Institute for carrying of research programs and technology innovation.
  55. There shall have Health Care Facility Centre with well –trained man power and staff for wildlife.
  56. Human-wildlife conflicts shall be managed through scientific methods.
  57. Establishment of more zoological logical parks for conservation as well as to boost tourism sector.
  58. Management of water sources in the forest areas for wildlife shall be done through proper scientific methods.
  59. There shall have mass awareness programs about forest, forest resources, wildlife and other lives on their ecological role and need or conservation.
  60. Conservation of all genetic resources including, rare, endemic, threatened species and agro-biodiversity (on farm and off farm) shall be promoted and developed.
  61. Environmental protection shall be done by conserving resources and minimizing industry’s impact to environment to make Green and Healthy Sikkim.
  62. Discharge of Industrial effluents into river ecosystem and water bodies shall be prevented at any cost.
  63. There shall have Policy on Reading Greenhouse Gas emission from energy and non-energy sources to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  64. Directorate of climate change shall be shifted from Departments of Science and Technology, Department of Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management in order to streamline the related function.
  65. Sate Pollution Control board shall be strengthened for its proactive role and functioning.
  66. Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) and Post EIA administered in a robust way.


All our policies and programs of action shall be based on the key principles that Sikkimese shall govern to make their state as they want to see and secure generations .We the SKM party, have envisaged the many salient policies , plans and programs for making New Sikkim.