Design Vision

Promoting Engineering Technology, Designing Sikkim

  1. There shall have Engineering Technology and Architecture Policy to build to last.
  2. There shall have Engineering and Architecture Technology Council.
  3. Institute of Engineering Technology, Architecture, Design, Heritage and Innovation (IETADHI) shall be established in Sikkim for manpower development to revolutionize the field.
  4. Architectural designs and heritage shall be conceptualized for Sikkim.
  5. Future engineering technology and architecture shall focus on building modeling, road modeling, bridge modeling, landscape designing, heritage modeling, avenues designing, flood controlling modeling, landslide controlling modeling, wall modeling, etc.
  6. All designs shall have cultural and aesthetic values of Sikkim.
  7. Computational design shall be considered for sustainable architecture.
  8. Successful technologies shall be used to control landslides in Sikkim.
  9. Sport Engineering and Product Designing Institute shall be established.
  10. Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering College shall be established.
  11. Transformation of towns and buildings shall be done to meet the contemporary designs in architecture.
  12. Cultural heritage sites shall be developed applying architectural designs.
  13. Cultural heritage areas/sites shall be declared to protect and preserve the values attached therewith.
  14. Construction Education shall be developed and promoted.
  15. Fund shall be provided to the state Institutions for collaboration with National and Global Partners to create Sikkim Architecture and Heritage.
  16. Places of cultural heritage and worships shall be developed based on modern designs.


All our policies and programs of action shall be based on the key principles that Sikkimese shall govern to make their state as they want to see and secure generations .We the SKM party, have envisaged the many salient policies , plans and programs for making New Sikkim.