Promoting Engineering Technology, Designing Sikkim
- There shall have Engineering Technology and Architecture Policy to build to last.
- There shall have Engineering and Architecture Technology Council.
- Institute of Engineering Technology, Architecture, Design, Heritage and Innovation (IETADHI) shall be established in Sikkim for manpower development to revolutionize the field.
- Architectural designs and heritage shall be conceptualized for Sikkim.
- Future engineering technology and architecture shall focus on building modeling, road modeling, bridge modeling, landscape designing, heritage modeling, avenues designing, flood controlling modeling, landslide controlling modeling, wall modeling, etc.
- All designs shall have cultural and aesthetic values of Sikkim.
- Computational design shall be considered for sustainable architecture.
- Successful technologies shall be used to control landslides in Sikkim.
- Sport Engineering and Product Designing Institute shall be established.
- Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering College shall be established.
- Transformation of towns and buildings shall be done to meet the contemporary designs in architecture.
- Cultural heritage sites shall be developed applying architectural designs.
- Cultural heritage areas/sites shall be declared to protect and preserve the values attached therewith.
- Construction Education shall be developed and promoted.
- Fund shall be provided to the state Institutions for collaboration with National and Global Partners to create Sikkim Architecture and Heritage.
- Places of cultural heritage and worships shall be developed based on modern designs.