Administration Vision


  1. AN effective and efficient functioning civil service to ensure the elected leaders are able to uphold the rights of citizens and mobilize resources .Cadres in the public services shall be the servants of the citizens, but not of the government .Our Government shall have the equal right and responsibility check of the cadres of public services so as to provide proper guidance to the elected legislatures to strengthen democracy and its values.
  2. Our Government shall have a modern citizen centric administration adopting at least technological applications.
  3. Our Government shall have the strong policies and programs for decentralization, delegation, accountability, effective personnel management, developing efficient personnel staff, letter and spirit.
  4. Our Government shall have the robust departmental mechanisms to uphold and implement laws and rules and their effective functioning.
  5. Our Government shall have sound legal structure for making vibrant administration, responsive, accountable, transparent, and equitable and zero tolerance for negligence.
  6. Our Government shall have ethics in governance and independent agency(ies) for evaluation of government performance .
  7. Our Government shall have Department performance meeting after every 06 months to monitor the progress of the departments.
  8. Our Government shall have the proper single window system in place to minimize hierarchical tires. Specific time frame shall be provided to the concern officer (s) for the completion of specific work.
  9. Our Government shall constitute Administration Reforms Committee for a comprehensive review of all statutes, rules and regulations about suitable changes, cadre revision, pay revision, transfer policy, recruitment policy, etc. So as to make the citizen s to obtain maximum advantage of governance.
  10. Our Government shall adopt e-governance and digitize the whole government setup in all democratic institutions .Paperless system shall be developed in administrative sector.
  11. Our Government shall develop and create facilities in all the district officers and institutions.
  12. Our Government shall setup corpus Funds in prime departments to meet the expenses of the government functions, etc. to check the corruption.
  13. Our Government shall establish third party monitoring and assessment of program and schemes in government departments by independent bodies or Board of Advisors to the Government.
  14. Our Government shall establish Research Cells in the entire department.
  15. Our Government shall develop state own search engines like Google.
  16. Our Government shall ensure overtime payments for staying after 5:00 PM in the office for the group C and D staff. The burden of making overtime payments lies on the officer who engage the group C and D government employees.
  17. Our Government shall incentivize the officials for their environmental stewardship (travel by taxi bus services) by paying them the fuel money. Burden of maintenance of the government vehicle lies with officials concerned.
  18. ADMINISTRATIVE guidelines shall be framed for model house and government offices to be totally eco-friendly (solar, water harvesting, bio-gas, composting latrines etc.)
  19. Our Government shall have Policy on Promotion to Group C AND government employees.
  20. Non –Gazetted employees shall be transferred to their home posting.
  21. Our Government Shall have the Departmental Manual and Codes (Employee’s manual) to all the public servants with a responsibility on the Head of the Department to update /review periodically such documents and make them available in the markets .There shall have reduction in top-down bureaucratic decision making for more transparency.
  22. Our Government shall have the New Protocol in the Home Department to remove undesirable VIP treatment extended to the elected legislatures.
  23. Our Government shall encourage recruiting best and most efficient human resources in the public services.
  24. Our Government shall have the lateral entry of personnel at higher bureaucracy into the State Civil Services to make administration more efficient.
  25. The fast tracking promotions for promising young bureaucrats shall be implemented.
  26. Our Government shall have proper supervision and monitoring for administrative performance and conduct of the public servants using modern technology .The performance based incentives from block to district outcomes shall be provided to the employees.
  27. Our Government shall raise the 5th Pay Commission of the state .There shall have a new way of pay revision system based on inflation index.
  28. Leave on travelling concession, child education allowance ,medical insurance ,special hills allowance ,etc .Shall be provided to all employees ,
  29. Our Government shall provide the full salary to all employees on probation period.
  30. Our Government shall implement Equal work equal pay scheme in all government departments, public undertaking s and private sector.
  31. Our Government shall ensure peace; security and stability to all the sections of the society, democratic institutions and employees. There shall have no political victimization to government employees.
  32. There shall have the five working days to employees in government sector to make administration strong.
  33. There shall have only written examination (without viva-voice) for the recruitment of employees in all sectors.
  34. There shall have no recruitment of employees to temporary basis except in exceptional cases lie requirement of subject experts or professionals.
  35. Not being able to complete the works by the government is no more development at all .The administration shall be responsive and serve the best interests of the citizens of Sikkim within a reasonable time frame.
  36. Citizens shall have rapid and equitable access to government services including regulatory, developmental and welfare oriented.
  37. There shall have no attitudinal problems of civil servants .They shall not observe indifference and insensitivity to the needs of citizen. The civil servants shall fully be committed for serving the citizens.
  38. There shall have adequate awareness programs about the rights, duties and responsibilities of citizen s from the administration. The administration shall make vigilant citizenries in the state.
  39. There shall have the strict observance of Right to Information Act, Citizens ‘Charters Human rights, Independent Evaluation and Recommendation of Services, Public Grievance Redressal Mechanisms. Citizens’ participation, socio-economic and political safeguards to certain disadvantaged sections of society, etc.
  40. An academic institution shall be established for aspiring and serving civil servants.
  41. Our Government shall make policy on reservation of Sikkimese in Central Government institutions including Sikkim University (50%) and other private companies (90%).
  42. Our Government shall keep State Share in advance to meet the time –driven needs of the citizens.
  43. There shall have the reformations in regulations of awarding contract work and tendering process .No TDR system shall be required for contractual work up to Rs.1.0crore.
  44. Contractual work up to Rs.0, 0lakh shall be awarded on negotiation basis.
  45. There shall have the dignity of service to all the employees and he proper consumer protection rights shall be in place.
  46. Our Government shall have the comprehensive anti –corruption legislation and the looters of public money shall be punished as per the law of country.
  47. Fair elections shall be held to the Sikkim Legislative Assembly as per the law of the country.
  48. Prompt home service delivery system shall be implemented for services, viz., all types of pension, all types of Certificates except the Certificate of Identification and Sikkim Subject Certificates, all types of connection, all types of bill payments, all types of license and their renewal, etc. with minimum service tax.
  49. Our Government shall establish Departments of Insurance to the citizens.
  50. There shall have the state Government e-Market system for procuring all types of goods and materials.
  51. There shall have collaborations and partnerships between /among the different Government Department of State, Central Government Institutions include those established in the state and Private Institutions.
  52. There shall have co-operation programs among various institutions of the state .National and International in order to share and exchange of successful experiences in renewing public administration.
  53. Appointment of Advisors based on their expertise domain shall be made to the government.
  54. All government departments shall function independently within Rules /Codes and their respective Charters .each department shall redefine and function within the allocated Rules of Business.
  55. All democratic Institutions shall discourage sycophancy.
  56. Our Government shall prepare a ‘white paper ‘ on the current state of affairs of the administration and the fundamental liabilities of Sikkim timely and place in the State Assembly for discussion and adoption/


All our policies and programs of action shall be based on the key principles that Sikkimese shall govern to make their state as they want to see and secure generations .We the SKM party, have envisaged the many salient policies , plans and programs for making New Sikkim.