Vision for Sikkim

Vision of Sikkim after 10-20 years

Sikkim Krantikari Morcha came to power with a promise to eradicate corruption. We have initiated the process, but there are many works that we need to do. What I think is that after 10-20 years, justice should prevail till the grass root level. We cannot guarantee that we will be successful in uplifting each and everyone but we will be successful in reaching out and trying to uplift them all. But all the development activities, be it of Centre or the State, it should reach every single house and to the last man standing. There should not be any political discrimination. There is a tendency of remembering the people only during election, it must stop. It will make people conscious. And I believe that people will always make the conscious leader victorious.

Covid-19 has gripped the whole world as such I would like to say that we have three years in hand. If we take into account the elections coming in between, we have very less time. As such, when the lockdown unlocks, we along with Chief Minister and the government employees will have to work with twice the energy. We cannot fulfill the promises made in our election manifesto right now, but will certainly accomplish it in the coming days one by one.

Our Main focus is



We, all citizens of Sikkim, had a great hope in 1994 : but we has a lot of anxiety and disappointment today ! The future that was once so bright is now full of uncertainty and dark .the very idea of making Sikkim was betrayed by Maoist PK Chamling .We want to see different Sikkim –Sikkim of hopes, aspirants , full of scopes and opportunities ,and a place of to live worthy life. We want to see sikkimese of all walks of life to work for better governance .Our revolution is shaped by the radical ideas of enlightenment. We consider that will of indigenous citizen including Sikkimese Bapaari shall be supreme .Sikkimese including sikkimese bepaari shall be treated equal : they shall govern and serve their mother Sikkim .our all policies and programs of action shall be based on the key principles that Sikkimese shall govern to make their state as they want to see and secure generations .The SKM party , have envisaged the many salient policies , plans and programs for making New Sikkim.